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      2. Welcome to Nongmaotong!
        Other services
        Nongmaotong - Nongmaotong Pingliang foreign trade comprehensive service platform

        Logistics service

        Express, sea and special lines, there is always one for you
        Booking space
        Water transportation of whole cabinet and LCL,
        Adequate shipping space and the highest cost performance.
        China Hong Kong Transportation
        Safe and fast, professional execution.
        Multiple choices of transportation modes,
        Strong operational support.
        International Express Service
        Reach global, fast and accurate.

        Financial service

        Financial services throughout the supply chain to reduce trade risks and costs
        Advance tax refund
        Easy financing, easy operation
        Fast financing, worry and effort saving.
        Buy out on credit
        Credit order, financing guarantee
        L / C buyout
        L / C financing is convenient and fast
        Letter of credit package loan
        Real goods, order financing
        Forward foreign exchange hedging
        Current business, future settlement and advance deposit.
        Lower threshold and easy operation.
        Export credit insurance
        Open source order receiving, free insurance
        Safe settlement of foreign exchange, saving time and effort.
        Online order

        Product name:

        Unit Price:$

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