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      2. Welcome to Nongmaotong!
        Agricultural products
        Nongmaotong - Nongmaotong Pingliang foreign trade comprehensive service platform

        Product name:astragalus

        Unit Price:$40


        Product details

        Longxi is rich in more than 100 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials, known as the "town of medicine for thousands of years", the quality and quantity of Codonopsis, Astragalus, bupleurum, Radix isatis and other medicinal materials, favored by domestic and foreign businessmen, enjoy the "Northwest pharmaceutical capital", "China's hometown of Astragalus" and other reputation, has become the Northwest real estate Chinese medicinal materials production, sales, seedling breeding and information service center. Rich resources of Chinese medicinal materials, has attracted Sanjiu Group, Qianjin Pharmaceutical, Hengli Pharmaceutical Factory and other enterprises in my county to build a base, run enterprises, engage in cooperation, medicine Township a thriving scene.

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