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        Agricultural products
        Nongmaotong - Nongmaotong Pingliang foreign trade comprehensive service platform
        Zhangye honey jujube

        Product name:Zhangye honey jujube

        Unit Price:$28


        Product details

        Gansu Linze red dates. Mainly used for drying. For the local main varieties. The tree is strong and the tree is large. This product has medium strong tree potential and high and stable yield. Fruit weight 6g, long column shape, yellow red to purple red, dense meat, juicy, fresh jujube soluble solid content 35~43%, high vitamin C content 662.7mg/100g, drying rate 56%, sugar content 72~80%: fruit peel toughness, extremely resistant to storage and transportation. Drought resistance, salt and alkali resistance, clay, sand soil can be planted. Strong wind resistance, not easy to crack fruit after maturity. Excellent quality, ripe mid-September.

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