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      2. Welcome to Nongmaotong!
        Agricultural products
        Nongmaotong - Nongmaotong Pingliang foreign trade comprehensive service platform
        Jiuquan onion

        Product name:Jiuquan onion

        Unit Price:$36


        Product details

        Gansu Jiuquan onion has beautiful appearance (nearly spherical), high single heart rate, rich taste, tender quality, compact, high dry matter content, quality, color, flavor is obviously better than other onion producing areas, so it is favored by domestic and foreign merchants, mainly including Mutong, Fuxing, Hongbao 905, California Prince, Huangpi 02 and many other varieties.

        Jiuquan onion onion appearance purplish red, fleshy scales slightly reddish, oblate or spherical, 8-10 cm in diameter. Storage tolerance, transport, dormancy period is short, germination is early, showing early to medium maturity, harvest in late May to early June. It is widely cultivated in East China. Representative varieties are Shanghai red leather and so on. Yellow scallion brassy to light yellow, scaly fleshy, yellowish and soft, fine tissue, spicy flavor. Oblate, 6-8 cm in diameter. Easy to store and transport, early to medium ripe. The yield is lower than that of red bark, but the quality is better. It can be used for dewatering. Round or high round, suitable for export, representative varieties are Lianyungang 84-1, DK yellow, OP yellow, Dabao, Laixuan 13, etc.

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